• All You Need To Know About a Vietnam Tourist Visa in 2025

    One of the most annoying things about traveling around the world is visas. Some visas are really easy to get but others can be a pain to obtain. There are countries I still have not been because of the visa restrictions. Although lately it was my 5th trip to Vietnam the hassle to get a visa on arrival in Vietnam is a little tiring process.

    Must say over the last years it got easier and easier and getting that tourist visa for Vietnam for 2025 should be fairly straight forward and easy.

  • Best boutique hotel in Ho Chi Minh City | The Myst Dong Khoi

    Lately I was invited to visit ITE Ho Chi Minh City, a travel trade show bringing all the South East Asian countries together to collaborate on future tourism projects. As a media invite I was here to cover stories and spread the word about ITE HCMC. As part of the trip I was put up in the best boutique hotel in Ho Chi Minh City and I could not resist sharing this place with you.

  • Best eSIM for Traveling to Vietnam in 2025

    Are you planning your trip to Vietnam and looking for the best way to stay connected with an eSIM? This is a complete guide with everything you need to know about using an eSIM when traveling to Vietnam including a comparison of the best Vietnam eSIMs in 2025.

    Don't waste money on high roaming charges, read my recommendations below and order an eSIM for Vietnam on the internet and get connected in just a couple minutes. Below you will find up to date prices as per February 2025, including all specifications per tourist eSIM.

  • How To Buy a Tourist Sim Card for Vietnam in 2025

    Planning a trip to Vietnam and looking for the best way to stay connected? The cheapest way is a local prepaid sim card for tourists but the easiest way is an eSIM for Vietnam. In complete guide you find everything you need to know about buying a tourist sim card in Vietnam in 2025.

    Here is everything you need to know about where to buy a sim card, up to date prices as per January 2025, the best 4G/5G network in Vietnam, the best eSIMs for Vietnam, my recommendation and even information about international sim cards for Vietnam.

  • International Travel Expo Ho Chi Minh City

    Being back home in Holland was lovely but I knew there was another adventure waiting for me. A couple weeks ago while I was driving around in Nusa Penida in Indonesia I got the confirmation that I was selected as one of the bloggers to come to Ho Chi Minh City to attend a Travel Trade Show. After the World Tourism Forum in Istanbul last February this was going to be my second Travel Conference and I could not wait to hop on a plane and get my ass back to Vietnam!

  • Is Mekong Delta worth visiting? 9 Things to do


    As part of our press trip to ITE Ho Chi Minh City we were able to choose a fam trip destination somewhere around Saigon. It was already more than 8 years ago I was in the South of Vietnam the last time so I decided to go on a Mekong Delta tour and see if I could still remember something of my trip around the world in 2009.

  • Review Grand Hotel Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City


    Last year when I visited Ho Chi Minh City for ITE 2017 I also stayed in the city central of Saigon. It was a pleasure staying at the Myst Dong Khoi and I named it the best boutique hotel in Ho Chi Minh City. This year when I came back for ITE 2018 I slept on the other side of the street in the Grand Hotel Saigon, an iconic property in Saigon.

  • Trip to Ho Chi Minh City ITE 2018


    A year passed by since I last visited Ho Chi Minh City. Exactly one year ago ITE HCMC 2017 was a great trip and since I kept so many good memories about visiting Vietnam I decided to come back this year for ITE HCMC 2018. The largest travel trade show in Vietnam is called the International Travel Expo and is annually held in Ho Chi Minh City.

  • Weekly Adventures | Back To Holland, Exciting Projects And ITE Vietnam

    After two months in Indonesia my visa was unfortunately running out and I had to leave the country. As part of my Trip of Wonders with the Indonesian Tourism Board I could choose a flight out of Indonesia to any given destination in the world. I made me think to finally start exploring Africa or may be Southeast Europe. When I thought about Europe, I though about my friends and family in Holland and then it was an easy decision!