Nice to meet you! I am Tom an avid adventure traveler from The Netherlands continuously traveling the world since 2012, living a full time nomadic life and visited about 160 countries around the world. I got infected with the travel bug back in 2008 when I did my first trip around the world. Now my continuous trip is already more than 4,200 days. Yes, that is almost 12 years of exploring, not living abroad, but the real deal: constantly traveling!
My passion to inspire and help other travelers to travel the world turned into a lifestyle. When I started this travel blog I never though it would give me the freedom to travel the world, whenever and wherever. So what started as a passion ended up in a dream coming true...
I am also super grateful to have an amazing Traveltomtom community supporting me on social media. The Traveltomtom channels reach far over 2 million followers with 1.4 Million on TikTok and 650K on Instagram.
After visiting 100 countries by the end of 2019 I felt inspired to visit every country in the world. However, along the way I found out it is not my thing to turn traveling into a challenge. I travel because it is my passion. I travel to learn, to become a better person and to feel alive and live in the moment. For me life is about chasing happiness, not goals!
Traveltomtom has successfully hosted group trips in the past and they will be back in 2025! Interested to join me on one of my trips? Check out my Traveltomtom Group Trip page for one of the exciting upcoming group trips.
Traveling makes me a better person with ever day I am on the road. And to all adventurers: don't waste time, live now!